successful in producing a desired or intended result
the art or action of conceiving of and producing a plan or drawing of something before it is made
a new method, idea, product, etc.
We are a highly effective, results focused innovation design and engineering consultancy.
With a very strong background in product development, we excel at bringing your new idea to life. Our core capabilities in physical products and electrical appliances from genesis through development to launch make us a robust choice to realise your product dreams.
Axiom K offers product development, design engineering and R&D management consulting services.
With driven curiosity and a results focus, insightful value delivery is core to everything we do.
With an amazing network of industrial designers, design and project engineers, patent attorneys and manufacturing partners we can take a concept through to market readiness with well practised hands.
We are a connected network of friends, collaborators and co-conspirators.
We believe in recognizing each others talents, that our diversity makes us stronger, and that transparency builds trust.
Maxim K Guyatt
Founder, director of Axiom K.
Previously Head of Engineering of iconic Australian appliances brand – Sunbeam. Part of product teams winning 3 Australian Design Awards, inventor and co-inventor on almost 50 patent filings in national jurisdictions with 9 granted patents.
Placeholder words, blurbs and links to come…
Cognitive Ink
UX, UI, people thinkers.
Design engineering, custom machines.
Deep Dish
Project management, play makers.
All work we do for clients remains under wraps till it hits the market.
We’re going to try to get a few self-seeded projects up and on here soon to share our work.
ABN: 44 957 769 301